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/❏ .final project documentation ❏/

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- city model -

i started out with a basic outine of what i wanted the city to look like (obviously didn't follow it exactly in the final product) which was inspired by the street layout of my neighborhood back home

i didn't really plan out how each individual building was going to look - i just started building. i used lots of cardboard, wood glue, contact film, balsa wood, fabric, paint, and paper

for the final images, i took photos of the model with my phone, brought the images into photoshop, and replaced the background with a pink sky. i then matched the colors so it looked like one cohesive image. here is an unedited photo:

this project didn't turn out exactly as i intended, but i still think i got some good images out of it.

- music video of sorts -

a few months ago, when i was still home, i found a CD that my family had uploaded their super 8 home videos to. i converted it into an mp4 file when i found it and have been wanting to use it in a project for a while. i felt it was perfect for a project on documentation of existence.

i edited the super 8 footage, along with some other random videos i had in my phone, in premiere pro. i didn't really have clear plan for what i wanted the video to be, so, as with many things it seems, i just started and whatever happened, happened. it's very simple as far as editing goes, and looking back i could have done more, but for now this is what i have.

for the music i tried to be a bit more intentional. i was super inspired by Sevdaliza, an Iranian-Dutch musician. if you haven't listened to her you should definitely check her out.